(1) Come out to the youth events that are scheduled this year at the Eastern Association Conference in Kitchener (i.e. Friday night - campfire, Saturday - sports, games, pizza)...for more information, call Pastor Mike (905-516-5375);
(2) Leave comments here to arrange your own event! See below...
you'll only get out of this what you put in, so if you want something to happen on Friday and/or Saturday, then make your suggestions, respond to others' suggestions, come to some kind of consensus, and in the words of the shoe company that's almost my first name: "just do it."
Well . i would like to get together. But the problem is that everyone is just busy!
for some reason i feel like breaking into a song...
"We're busy, busy, frightfully busy;
More than a bumblebee, more than an ant.
Busy, busy, horribly busy
We'd love to help, but we can't!"
its dreadfully busy.
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