Wednesday, September 28, 2005

the evolution of the thought box

hey there...the thought box has evolved. there is still a box in the youth room where you can put your questions/thoughts/requests. BUT, feel free to post your thoughts here online too.

on that note, leave a comment with your ideas for upcoming Bible Studies...i.e. what do you want to go through at Bible Study? a book of the Bible, a topic that interests you, whatever. i'd love to hear your feedback.


practical help with...the struggle against sin

so...i'm reading through a book called "THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF SAINT IGNATIUS" for my devotions, and came across something that i thought might help (when it comes to struggling against sin).

if you are struggling with a specific habitual sin (i.e. you are frequently tempted to do/say/think something and give into this temptation often), try this:

(1) when you wake up in the morning, resolve to guard yourself against that particular sin throughout the day ahead (pray for the strength to change, with the help of God's grace);

(2) at noon, consider the number of times you were tempted to give in to that particular sin during the first part of the day (and whether or not you actually gave in). then, renew your resolution to not sin in that way;

(3) before bed, review the time that has elapsed since noon, and note if and when you were tempted.

by making a specific commitment to God each day (and renewing that commitment throughout the day), it is possible (with God's help) to experience victory over specific sins in your life.

keep fighting the good fight.


delusional youth pastor... Posted by Picasa

Standing Ground blogspot is now ACTIVE

hey youth,

welcome to the addition to having our own space on mission baptist's new website, STANDING GROUND now has it's very own blog. i'm sure i don't have to explain what a blog is, but for those who may not know, it's short for web log. here, i'll be able to post articles and thoughts that i'm having, and you'll have an opportunity to leave your very own comments.

visit this site as often as you want, as i'll try to keep things phresh (yes, that's with a p-h).

keep it real,
pastor mike ><>